So this week was kind of tough. We had 2 investigators drop us. We called one to set up an appt and she said she doesn't want to meet anymore. Then we called Angela and tried to set up an appt with her and she dropped us too. Man.. We were really upset. I just figure that the Lord is cleaning out our pool for all the people in Bath who are ready. FINGERS CROSSED! (:
Brother Downey's funeral went really well. Sister Stratford sang and Brother Baldwin gave a talk. Brother Baldwin talked about prayer, scriptures, and keeping God's commandments to get closer to Christ. At District Meeting I talked on how to strengthen your relationship with our Heavenly Father and I said that the same 3 things apply. Prayer. Scriptures. Keeping God's commandments. Prayer is huge. We can only get to know someone by talking to them. Same thing applies to Christ and Heavenly Father. We MUST talk to them to get to know them and so that they can earn our trust. Reading the scriptures helps us to know them as well and to be able to learn about them so that we can be like them. Keeping God's commandments shows him that we respect him and we want his help. As we do what he wants.. he will then in turn do what we ask of him. So the funeral went well.
Sister Currie received the Gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday was super excited. We had to teach her a lot about the Holy Ghost because she thought she wouldn't have trials anymore and life would be great. We told her she needs to listen to the Holy Ghost because it will be hard to hear and she has to obey God's commandments in order for the Holy Ghost to be her constant companion. She is so funny. She is still wearing yoga-ish pants to church but she will learn. She is awesome! She was frustrated last week because we hadn't seen her for awhile and when we went and saw her she said, " I thought that because I joined your church that you wouldn't come and see me anymore." haha No that is not the case. We decided that we could now take Sister Currie to our lessons with investigators because it would count as a member present.. and she is home all day so we could get many member presents haha (which we have been lacking a lot of because members are busy and won't come out with us).
We had exchanges this week with the Sister Training Leaders. That was fun because I went out with Sister Anderson. I was able to be more in charge of my area and feel more confident in what I was doing. Sister Anderson is awesome. She is from Morgan, Utah. So we talked about all the people I know up there and we know a ton of the same people! It brought back a lot of memories and we just talked and laughed about some of the people. It was really fun.
We have a new investigator named Wendy. She was taught before by the Elders and then they dropped her because she couldn't keep commitments and she was living with her boyfriend. Well she is now married. She has 7 year old daughter and her husband is hispanic.. I wish I knew Spanish.. I'm tellin ya! ha. We met Wendy the same way the Elders before us met her. We stopped at her house because we were taken to her house by the GPS and in her window was cards that we give to people. So we thought it must be the less active lady we are trying to see. The Elders did the same thing! It wasn't the less active lady.. she lives down the street but we met Wendy! She said she wants to be baptized.. but we haven't really taught her yet.. and we don't know if she will commit to anything because she won't set up appointments with us and tells us to just call her when we come over.. so it is hard to plan with her but we will figure it out. We are also trying to get Brother Baldwin going with all his Bath City friends that went to the funeral. We got to get them hooked. We have been bugging him about it a lot because we need these people and we know they are ready to be taught!
All the referrals we received from stake conference we are now actually splitting them up with the Elders in our area and then we go and visit the family that gave us the referrals. We then have the families learn how to invite these people. How to invite and when and what invitiations to do. We think we will have much sucess with this. It is cool to see families really missionary minded and trying to get their friends to church or to activites who are not members! So fun!
I know this gospel is true. I have seen many people struggle with their lives this week and we ask them if they have been reading the Book of Mormon daily and praying daily. They confess and say no. I promise if they would read the Book of Mormon every day that the adversary will not have power over them. They will have better days and be able to get over the challenges they are facing. Be courageous like the 2,000 strippling warriors! Have Faith. Things work out. "Gird up your Loins." Get to work. Use your Shield of Faith and Shield of Righteousness to escape the "fiery darts of the wicked." The Book of Mormon is amazing. Use it. Read it. I love it so much. Remember to Act in Faith. Act in your prayers.
I love D&C 68:6-Logan used it for his missionary plaque. I share it with those who are in need of comfort. I also love Alma 7:11 (: Use the atonement everyday for everything (:
Have a great Thanksgiving! We are going to the Obrien's for dinner and then I don't know what we are doing the rest of the day. But it is a non proselyting day which will be fun!
Love Sister Putnam
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