Monday, November 18, 2013

A Baptism, a live Bear, a desire to play the Piano and a beautiful Sunrise! PS....singing in Sacrament Meeting!

Thank you for all of your letters! 
As for Sister Downey.. Brother Downey passed away Sunday. The funeral will be this Wednesday at 6 oclock. 
I feel for Sister Downey. We just don't know what to do for her. Pray for her please. She is still doing the Back to Bethlehem nativity. We went to her outdoor theatre and helped get things ready with her. Sister Stratford and I put the letters up on the sign like at Kirts back at home. That is what it reminded me of. I really liked doing it! (: 
Sister Currie got baptized!!! My first baptism! (: She did such a great job. She had to be dunked 3 times because she kept sticking her foot out haha and Brother Cayton (the one baptizing her) kept saying the words wrong. After she wanted to swim in the water. We told her no and to get out haha. Sister Stratford and I sang at her baptism. We sang, "Lift up your heart." By Sally Deford. Sister Stratford sang lower and I sang higher. It was pretty good. I was super nervous.. But I guess I did alright because they want us to sing it again for sacrament. I wish you were here Mom to play the piano.. But yes, Sister Currie got baptized. She will be confirmed this Sunday because it was Stake Conference last sunday. 
Saturday was stake conference and all of the missionaries in the stake sang Called to Serve and We'll Bring the World His Truth. We have 42 missionaries in the stake and 18 are sisters! (:  They talked about missionary work and how the members need to work with the missionaries. They had some converts share their stories and their testimonies. The spirit was so strong at stake conference! President Baker and his wife also spoke about the importance of missionary work. Our goal was to receive 1,000 referrals from the members at stake conference saturday. Well we reached our goal! We received 1,013 referrals. Then Sunday we received an additional 56 referrals just from our branch!!!! Sister Stratford and I have 33 people to contact this week. This is so great because we need more investigators! We have one progressing investigator which is Sister Herwig. She said she would get baptized once she received an answer that it is true. She feels like it is true though. We have only taught her like 3 times though. Now we just need to get to her husband! (: 
Sister Stratford will be singing at Brother Downey's funeral. That is why I wish I could play the piano better. I guess I will start taking lessons again from you mom when I get home. haha 
We taught a lesson in Quarter Deck the other day. Brother Baldwin (ward missionary leader) owns the gas station/store thing and was working when we went in there. His friend walked in and Brother Baldwin told us to teach him. So we did and we gave his friend named Ruben a Book of Mormon! There are so many to teach! We just need them to want to meet with us (: 
We saw another bear. It was alive this time! It ran across the street in front of your car when we were driving home from a lesson with Robyn and Wayne Keech. It was so dark that you could hardly even see the bear. We are truly being watched over because we could have hit it but we didn't! (: 
Sister Stratford and I go jog/walking in the mornings. It wasn't cold at all this morning. We dressed warm thinking it would be chilly and then we were so hot the whole time haha. We ran by the water/river. It was so pretty. We always see the sun rise in the mornings and one morning we took pictures of it. I will send some (: Then we run pass a park so we stop and swing for a bit haha. The park is right up by the water like our house. It is so beautiful. Our work outs are getting better. We just have to motivate each other (: Maybe I will start working out with you when I get home when you go walking in the mornings. 
Well I have been reading in the Book of Mormon in Alma. I just read about Alma the younger talking to his sons and to Helaman about sharing the gospel. Everything I read in the Book of Mormon relates to missionary work. Before at home, Everything I read in the BOM would relate to just life in general. It is so cool how the BOM always will relate to you no matter who you are or how old you are. So cool! Anyways, It talks about faith a ton and how to act on your faith. Share the gospel with everyone! I heard in stake conference that Sharing the gospel should not be a burden to you and to others. It should be exciting and a wonderful opportunity. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE THE DAY OF YOUR REPENTANCE. We have the opportunity to use the atonement. We know about the true church and we know the doctrine and we know so much! Don't let it go to waste. Share it. Use it. I know this is the true church. I know the BOM helps with whatever trial or problem that we are facing no matter what the problem may be. The book of mormon has all of the answers along with God. Ask God and read the book of mormon everyday. It has truly blessed my life and I know it can bless yours as well. I am so proud of you guys for all you do and the testimonies that you have. Don't let them go to waste. I know prayers work. Sister Stratford and I had daily contact with Sister Currie before she was baptized. The day after her baptism she said she doesn't even have the desire to drink coffee anymore. How marvelous. Miracles are everywhere. Prayers work. Don't give up. Be thankful and look for miracles through out your day. You will find plenty I promise. 
We should be getting Ipads in like April .. hopefully we will be able to use facebook then as well. (:
Keep leaning on the Lord. He loves you! 
Read Pray Always by David A. Bednar. Read the ensign for this month. I really enjoyed the talk A Broken Vessel by Jeffrey R. Holland. Read it. Love it. Apply It. 
Love you!
Love Sister Putnam
P.S. I heard a cool quote. "Work Will Win When Wishy Washy Wishing Won't."

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