Monday, December 30, 2013

Sister Putnam's letter 12-30-13!

           I am so excited for you to have dinner with the missionaries! It will definitely be awkward but that will be good! Just advice.. let them dish up their plates, the Elders said "No Spaghetti". Tell them that they don't have to eat all of it and don't get mad if they don't eat all of it. They probably have so many dinner appointments! haha Let them share a message with you as well. And if they ask to serve you let them! (: Give them referrals as well! Missionaries LOVE referrals. As for dinner.. umm.. I don't know! Just what you usually have is good! Just something that isn't messy. 
         Good luck with school and with everyone's jobs and things. I know life can be stressful just keep holding on to that Iron Rod. Let God guide you. So I finished "Our Search for Happiness" it is soo good! It talks about the restoration, the plan of salvation, the gospel (faith, repentance, baptism, receieving the gift of the holy ghost, and enduring to the end), and it talks about the commandments. It was so good! I loved it. It is exactly what we teach to everyone. I am now reading "Our Heritage." It is about Joesph Smith and the pioneers. I am excited to really get into it. Keep reading the Book of Mormon and say your prayers often. I know this is the true church of God. There is no doubt! 
   Christmas went well. I am so happy! The gospel brings happiness. I have seen so many blessings come into my life because of the restoration and the knowledge that we have.  The Wilson's picked Danielle up for church again. The Wilson's are members and they are awesome. They have totally adopted Danielle and Herlett. They helped her move, they bought them gifts for Christmas and they are picking them up for church. The Wilson's understand service and the gospel. They understand what consecrating themselves unto the Lord means. They are so humble and are great people!
     Dorothy promised us she would come to church. So we got a member to pick her up but she wouldn't budge. She called us and told us that she can't go to a church that she can't shout in. We have taught her the importance of church but she still is doing her will instead of God's will. We will be meeting with her again. 
        President and Sister Baker came to our church yesterday and talked during sacrament. They did a really good job and our branch really needed to hear what they had to say. President Baker talked about what Christ did for us and how nothing that God asked of him was too much for Christ. Everything that God asks of us should not be too much for us. Such as, callings in the church, going to church every week, praying, reading the scriptures, and serving others and bringing them closer to Christ. Share the gospel with everyone! He mentioned General Conference and how Thomas S. Monson said that members and missionaries need to work together. It is not all on the members and either is it all on the missionaries. We know that the only way we can get more people to hear the gospel is to work together! Once that happens this work will explode like crazy! Please family, help the missionaries. Invite friends to church. Invite less actives back to church. Invite, invite, invite. It is all we can do but it is not too much to do. We can do it. 
          I got my hair trimmed today and we started talking to the ladies that were cutting hair. We shared what we do and who we are. We then asked if we could teach them more. We can! We have an appointment with them tonight. Miracles happen when you reach out and you just try to talk to people. Their names are Wendy, Kimberly, and Joanna. We are excited to teach them about the true gospel! 
          I am so grateful for this gospel and the truth that it brings. I have been so happy as I have aligned my will with the Lords. This gospel brings happiness, peace, and love. Remember that it is so much easier to be on the Lords side. It is so much easier to align your will with his. He will make your burdens light and he will help you in those times that you need it. Lean on the Lord. Trust him. Here is a really good talk about converting yourself unto the Lord. I love you all! (:

Love Sister Putnam

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