Monday, December 2, 2013

Sister Putnam preparing for transfers...and Christmas! (12-2-13)

             Sister Downey is still putting on the Back to Bethlehem pageant. It is this friday and saturday the 6th and 7th and 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Sister Stratford is singing Oh Holy Night both nights I think. We will be helping her in the concession stand selling hot chocolate and cookies to help raise money to go back to all the things she had to buy for the pageant because it is free to get in. 
                    Thanksgiving was really good. We played basketball at the church, well "Lightning" and "HORSE." Then we played pass with the volley ball and the soccer ball as well.. Sister Stratford is trying to put a CD together of her playing the piano and singing so she practices the piano while I play basketball. It works out. And then sometimes she wants me to sing while she plays so she knows what notes to play because she arranges the songs to make them her own. Pretty cool. Then that night we went over to the Obrien's home and had Thanksgiving dinner. I love Thanksgiving and being able to remember all the things that we have been blessed with. The Lord has given us soo much! I love him. I love his gospel. 
                 Transfers are on the 19th. Sister Stratford wants to stay because she doesn't want to be spending Christmas at some random members home. I feel the same way. Everyone thinks Sister Stratford will be transferred because she has been in Washington for a while.. I think like 5 or 6 months.. So she could be transferred and I could stay.. Or both could be transferred but since it is Christmas we don't think they will do that. Or we could both stay which we both want but we don't know what will happen.
                Next Monday we won't have P-Day because Elder Perkins is coming to talk to us (: So we will have P-Day on that Tuesday. So don't worry if you don't get an email on Monday.. It will be Tuesday. (: Also, since transfers are the 19th.. make sure if you want to send Christmas packages that you send them soon! Make sure they get here before the 19th because I don't know if I will be transferred or not. Oh funny story. So everyone here wants Sister Stratford to stay and some people like Sister Cayton (Member) and Brother Baldwin (Member) told Sister Stratford that she needs to help with the Christmas program singing in it and playing the piano. And the Bath Christian Church is having a Contada which is like a singing talent show thing I think and they might ask Sister Stratford to be in it which Brother Baldwin thinks is a huge deal and a huge missionary opportunity. So they told Sister Stratford that she needs to call President Baker and tell him that she can't be transferred and she has to stay. We laughed thinking they were kidding, but they were serious. They don't understand that we don't tell the Lord where we need to be haha. Anyways, Brother Baldwin told President Deaver that he needs to call President Baker because Sister Stratford won't. So President Deaver did. We haven't heard what happened but I think it's funny that members don't realize this is the Lord's work not ours. Some people ask us what we do all day and we have to explain to them why we didn't answer their phone call or we showed up late. We are running around serving people all day and teaching lessons. 
               As for your question about District Meetings.. Yes we take turns teaching in District Meetings.. This week for District meeting I said the closing prayer and was the chorister. (Sister Stratford had to show me how to lead haha). Yesterday in church Sister Stratford and I taught the Relief Society Lesson on Christ Like Attributes (chapter 6 in Preach My Gospel). I love this chapter so much. As we continue to develop faith then we will be able to develop other Christ like attribute such as hope, patience, charity, humility, and more. I am working on being self-less this week which goes hand in hand with being humble. I know that God has a plan for us and that if we set goals and really try to become better that God will help us. He is so loving and caring and wants to help us as much as he can! (:
               So we went and helped set up for Back to Bethlehem and we untangled the lights to put on the Christmas trees and then we told the Elders to put them on because I hate putting lights on trees. They agreed and instead of going and finding a ladder and putting the lights up that way.. Elder Mickelson (remember he is like 6'2") got on Elder Sorenson's shoulders (5'8") They were laughing and having a good time and took pictures. Then Elder Sorenson was like, "How about you jump off my shoulders instead of me just putting you down on the ground." So Elder Mickelson tried to jump off backwards and Elder Sorenson threw him off over his head. Elder Mickelson fell right on his butt.. it was funny, but sad. And I tried really hard not to laugh hahah. We have also been teaching the Elders about sarcasm. Every time they say something sarcastic I always say, "Sarcasm is of the devil." They get so mad haha but they are learning that sarcasm really does hurt even if they don't mean to hurt feelings it still does. 
             We ran into a guy at the Quarter Deck because Sister Downey took us to lunch after helping her. This guy just argued with us about religion and was mixing all his bible stories with the Book of Mormon to make our religion look bad and we told him his stories were incorrect. He still just tried to argue. People are so hard hearted! It is so hard to find people who are prepared. But we are still working on finding people. 
             This morning I read my patriarchal blessing for personal study. It made me feel so much better. It gave me comfort and reminded me not to worry about the things that I can't change. Things happen for  reason and the good days are just ahead. I will not see the fruits of my labor until later. Then Sister Downey called after studies and asked if I was okay because she had been thinking about me a lot lately and felt like she needed to call me. She is my missionary mom here. She is awesome and I am so happy to have her to talk to. She told me that if I need anything to ask her. She is my favorite. I love her so much. I see little blessings and miracles every day. I am going to try and be self-less this week and write down the blessings I see each day. I invite you all do set a goal and work towards it this week as well. 
               Keep doing the little things that build your testimony and faith. Faith is so important. The Lord hears your prayers.. Lean on him. Open your heart and mind and learn more from him as you continue to listen to what he wants to tell you. I promise that he wants to talk to you and tell you something. Listen.
             I emailed Logan and Sky and Linds and told them what made me really convert and want to come on a mission. I realized it was my Nauvoo Trip. I felt the spirit in Carthage jail and when I stood on the temple grounds. I knew Joesph Smith was a true prophet. I know the Book of Mormon is true. The spirit converts! The Book of Mormon Converts! Its true! 
Love you all! Have a good week! (:

Love Sister Putnam

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