Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas Programs... Sistas...and Elder Perkins! 12-9-13

                              So this week was really good. Back to Bethlehem was good. Sister Stratford sang wonderfully. Saturday night it was really cold and the wind was blowing but it was okay because Sister Stratford and I stayed in a room on the stage where we called it the "Christ Room." It had pictures of Christ all over and nativity sets up in the room. The lighting in there was pretty with candles and it smelled good too. So we stayed in there and then the people would tour the back and that room after the pageant. We would just stand there so that they can recognize us as missionaries for the church and know that Mormons are Christians.. There is a lot of anti stuff here so we are helping a lot I feel like. Back to Bethlehem was actually in the newspaper! Top headline too! Sister Downey is so wonderful (: 
                         So we went to the Bath Christian church for their Cantata. Their choir sang Christmas songs and it was pretty good. The Elders in our area went and we went and sat by Brother and Sister Baldwin. It was awkward when the members of that church would just stare at us.. but when they realized that we weren't trying to preach to then they were really friendly. We talked to the pastor and we just helped people recognize who we are. Many people came up to us and talked to Sister Stratford saying they saw her in the Back to Bethlehem singing and at Brother Downey's funeral singing as well. They really like her and seem to talk to her easy. We hope this will help them to recognize that we aren't bad people and we do believe in Christ. Oh on the way to the Cantata, Sister Stratford ran over a squirrel. haha You can imagine our reaction to that. After the Cantata we went over to the Downey's home for dinner and then watched the Christmas Devotional. It was great! Did you watch it?  I liked how President Monson asked, " What gift can we give to the Savior for Christmas?" I love the Christmas Devotional! (:
                    We have been working with a lady named Dorthy. She lives in a senior housing place but she has real intent. We have to move really slow with her but she is a great lady. She calls us her Sistas. And she introduces us to all the people that live around her and says, "These are my missionary sistas." haha We hope to continue to work with her and help her to really understand the gospel. As she keeps commitments she will have the Holy Ghost which in turn will lead to Conversion. 
               Okay mom. This is what you have been waiting for to hear. Elder Perkins! Well.. We carpooled up with the Elders and we told the Elders that we need to leave early and they told us we would be fine leaving at a certain time.. so we left when the Elders wanted to leave. We ended up hitting construction.. and one of the Elders was speeding and got pulled over and got a ticket. So we ended up walking right when the conference was starting and they were singing the opening hymn.. which was totally embarrassing and I was really upset that we were late. That is just one thing that missionaries should not do.. is be late! I hate it. But anyways, when Elder Perkins went up to speak he told us that he didn't shake 4 missionary hands. So he and Sister Perkins and President Baker and Sister Baker all came down, Gave us hugs and shook our hands. Elder Perkins was so excited and said, "I met your mom." And he told his wife to give me another hug haha. He told all the missionaries there that he had met you at stake conference and that now he knows me. I felt so loved and felt so good that he remembered and then told everyone he remembered. I loved it (: Elder Perkins didn't just give a talk and then leave. His wife also spoke and President Baker and Sister Baker also spoke. Then, Elder Perkins taught lessons. It was sooo good! He talked about Preach My Gospel and how important it is. You all should read it as a family. He told us that we should stop calling our church meetings, "Meetings" and start calling them "Revelatory Experiences." I had written down 2 questions and they both got answered through out the conference more than once. I had such a great experience. I wish I could give you all my notes but just know that Elder Perkins is an inspired man and he loves all of us! He is great. One quote from Elder Perkins is, "If it's not exact, it's not obedient." Study Ether 12:27 too. I love that scripture. As we come unto Christ, he will show us our weaknesses, we will then be humble and have faith and he shows us grace and weak things of ours become strong. Sanctify ourselves unto the Lord. He has all power and can help us with everything. Remember him in all we do. Trust him. He knows us. He loves us. Remember him. 
                Well Sister Stratford and I are doing well. We love being together and supporting each other. Remember this Christmas season to SERVE. As "you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service of your God." I love you all!
Love, Sister Putnam

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