Monday, December 30, 2013


 So today is soo humid and hot. Yesterday it was 83 degrees and today it is like 73.. it is crazy! I think it is supposed to rain later today though.
That surprise Christmas party was a shock! Our branch gave us so many gifts and spoiled us like crazy! We did not expect that. It was so fun to hear you speak! It was good! (: Sister Downey is awesome! I don't know how she does it all. Did you get to meet up with her yet while she is in Utah? We have a dinner appointment every night this week.. we are going to get so fat.. and we each got gift cards.. mostly fast food restaurants.. haha I love christmas! But I really love seeing people happy and so many people are happy during Christmas. We have been serving a lot this week. We helped Brother Wilson (member) do some yard work and tonight we are helping Danielle move. Danielle came to church but then left after Sacrament.. so we were a little disappointed. Sister Currie is doing better. She is actually leaving the state to see her niece and nephew. Which will be really good.  She really does forget.. but sometimes I think she is embarrassed and says she forgot when sometimes she didn't. But we are still working with her. 

Sarah Taylor is our new investigator and she was working on the questions at the back of the Restoration pamphlet.  She said... "There are some questions here that I can't answer because I don't have that other book.. the Book of Mormon or something like that.. so I need that book." So we gave her the Book of Mormon and talked about it with her. She said that she already knows it is true. She is so humble and has so much faith. We just need to explain the priesthood to her better.

Tell everyone thank you for their support and their love! I love them all so much! I haven't opened the packages yet though. I am waiting until Christmas to do it. But I am so thankful for their love and them thinking of me. I am so spoiled and blessed to have so much support. I have been so blessed to have this gospel in my life and to know the true meaning of Christmas. I know Christ loves me and he loves you. I know the atonement works. Thanks for the article on Al Fox! I can't believe she is pregnant! But I love her and her story about tattoos. We all have our own tattoos. And God does forget about them once we repent and we forget about them as well. But we will always remember our "tattoos" as a reminder to choose good! (:

Well I am excited to hear from you and see you all on skype on Christmas.

I love you all so much! I hope you have a Merry Christmas! Remember The True Meaning (:

-Love Sister Putnam

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