Yes, Sister Downey got a dog haha. She loves that thing. It is hypoallergenic or whatever so it doesn't shed and it doesn't make you allergic to it so that is nice. She is a great lady. She came out with us on Tuesday to see people with us. She said that people will always ask her why she is so happy even when her husband just died. She said. " I serve. Service makes me happy. It gets my mind off of things and I love serving because I am helping others and not thinking of myself." I hope that I can be just like Sister Downey when I go home. She is an amazing women and literally puts God first. She is great.
Well Sister Williams (the Williams family that gave us rabbit to eat) has a baptism date for February 22! I hope that I will still be here to see her baptized. We still have a lot of work to do with her but I think she will be ready soon (: She is really just chill and says she wants it. The Williams gave us more rabbit to take home and eat and we shared it with the Elders. One of the Elders wouldn't try it because we didn't tell him what it was haha. He guessed it was turtle, bird, squirrel, road kill.. but not rabbit haha. Once we told him then he finally tried it.
We went and saw Danielle and we had an appointment with her. She always has the blinds shut all the time and the TV blasting and no light at all. So we went in her home and she was eating pizza and had the TV blasting and wasn't paying attention at all. She gets up and walks around and then I asked if she has read any of the B.O.M yet and she said no. She hasn't been reading it at all and so we asked her why and she got really mad and starting yelling at me.. again. She got really upset because we had the talk with her about keeping commitments and who we are and why we are even on missions. We told her that we are here to invite her to come closer to Christ but we can't help her unless she keeps commitments. She just yelled and yelled. So Sister Stratford told her to call us when she wants to meet with us again. This was Saturday. Sunday she showed up to church.. She wouldn't make eye contact with us or talk to us at all but she did show up which was very very surprising for us. We have decided that we are not going to go in her home to teach her anymore and that we will teach her at the Wilson's home. They have been fellow shipping her and taking care of her so we will have lessons in their home where the spirit is and where she will be respectful. We are going to have the Wilsons set everything up though so that we can pay attention on people who are prepared and need our attention right now.
Sister Stratford taught the Sunday school lesson in church Sunday. She taught about Faith in Jesus Christ.. which several people needed to hear. A lot of people just say, "I have faith. I believe." So I told her to really stress in the lesson that faith is an action word. You have to act. It is great that you believe, but now make that belief into desire and then act on that desire. Great things can be accomplished when you act on the faith that you have. In 2 Nephi 28:3 it reminds me of the people here in NC. They talk but they don't walk the talk. Show that you have faith by acting on what you say. If you believe then show God that you believe. I also love Alma chapter 32. Experiment upon the word. Experiment upon the seed. Let that seed of desire grow into faith and then let it grow into action. As we read the Book of Mormon learn from it and apply the learnings into your lives and into others lives.
In relief society at church we were talking about Christ and how he was perfect. He was so self-less and loving. He cared about everyone. He judged not. He was patient, humble, meek, lowly in heart. He served everyone no matter who they were. I know that that can happen with anyone. As you get to know Christ and become closer to him and follow his foot steps, then you will be like him. You will have charity, compassion and love for others. I always remember the saying, "What would Christ do?"
Thank you for the love and support you have given me. Have a good week!
Love Joni (Sister Putnam)
"We Can Be Together Forever Someday.." (: