Monday, January 13, 2014

"Don't eat the whole elephant..." Sister Putnam's letter 1-13-14 :)

     It was pretty cold a couple of nights this week as it hit 20 degrees.. our electricity went out but turned on right after so it wasn't bad. We are always in the car and so I wasn't that cold. If I need a blanket or rain coat I will buy one at Walmart with my gift cards that I got.  Yes, Sister Downey called and checked up on us.   :)
       Sister Stratford had a lesson with Danielle on exchanges and said she was so nice and she invited her friend to come to church and said she is going to come to church and we got a ride for her and then she didn't come. She doesn't call us back or text us back either so we aren't sure what is going on with her. We want to set her with a baptism date but we need to see her. We are going to just stop by in the afternoons and hopefully her 10 year old daughter will answer the door haha. 
       We learned about Visions, Goals, Plans, and Accountability in Zone Meeting and it was so good! We must have  vision and then from that vision make a goal and then make plans for the goal and then account to somebody even the Lord. They talked about Nephi and how he needed to build a ship. His vision was to get to the promised land. The goal was to build the ship. The plan was to find tools to build the ship and then he was accountable to the Lord. That is what we need to do with our daily lives. We actual have been setting visions for our investigators as we plan for them. It has helped so much! Like the scriptures say in Proverbs, "Without  vision the people perish." I love it! We are also supposed to go into every single members home and teach them a lesson and then get all of our less active and investigators to go to a members home for a lesson. So we have a lot of work to do. It has been really stressful this week but like dad always says, "Don't eat the whole elephant, just start with the ear." 
          We did service for Sister Downey this week which was fun. We organized one of her theater rooms full of props and cleaned it out. The relief society is planning on doing this thing called "Shoulder to Shoulder." Every Sister in the Branch is supposed to write down something that needs to be done in their home, cooking, cleaning, sorting, yard work, painting whatever.. and then all the sisters get together and go and help that one sister and then switch the next month or week and help the other sister. I love that idea. I love service so much! Like the scriptures say, "When ye are in the service of your fellowmen, you are only in the service of your God." 
         We had a meeting Sunday with our ward missionary leader and the ward missionaries to help instruct them on their responsibilities of being a ward missionary. It went really good and we have our vision! The ward missionaries are going to be finding us 1 progressing investigator. Progressing means that we have taught them at least two times and they are keeping their commitments such as church, reading, praying, so on. The meeting went well! We are excited to get the work moving here in Washington. 
      Well we have interviews coming up and in 3 weeks we have transfers. I want to stay here in Washington because I love it here so much. But I do think it would be fun to also see and meet new people and see new things. Anyways, just keep praying that we will be able to find prepared people here and that their hearts will be softened. We need to save these people so they don't perish! (: I love this gospel so much. It has blessed my life and can bless yours as well. Keep doing good things. Remember to consecrate yourself to the Lord. "The Fourth Missionary" talks about how it is easier to give yourself up and do God's will instead of fighting and doing your own will. Let the Lord lead you! I love you all so much. Thanks for all you do (: Have a good week! (:

Love Joni (Sister Putnam)

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