Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sister Putnam & Sister Stratford Picking Cotton in North Carolina

 Oct 14 at 1:16 PM
Oct. 14, 2013
Sister Stratford and I picking cotton. No mom they come right off but they have burrs in them.. maybe I will send some home for ya'll! (: I am trying to pick up the southern accent.. yeah its not coming along yet. maybe when i get home (:  Oh btw.. the members here are getting us furniture and stuff for our house. The elders helped us move along with 2 ward members. It was super nice! (: I love this church! I love this gospel! We are so blessed, do not forget it! Have faith, work hard, be positive and do the little things in life to build your foundation! Helaman 5:12 (:

Sister Stratford

                              Sister Joni Putnam picking cotton in North Carolina on P Day!  :)


  1. I bet your allergies are going crazy if you are so close to the cotton fields -- mine would be!! Thinking of you always!! xoxo
