Saturday, October 19, 2013

Letter Oct 14, 2013 WE MOVED!

Joni Putnam
Oct 14 at 12:44 PM
new address: 716 East Main Street
                     Washington, NC
We MOVED! We now live right in Washington NC. We live right on the water and have a huge house for the 2 of us. We cleaned and moved all day Saturday. We now live in town and can save several miles. We eat at members homes for dinner a lot and it is always usually good. I have now had fish sticks and shrimp. It wasn't too bad. 

We have like 70 people in our branch.. so yeah we are def. working with the members. it is rough. Thank you for the advice though because i do need to remember my purpose. People out here get their feelings hurt by everything..and people in the ward hurt their feelings so they don't come back to church. we have to remind them why they come to church haha.

funny story, One investigator we have named Sister Currie, she is 83 and we asked her to come to church. we set up a ride for her and she missed it and then she came to church after sacrament and told us that she knocked all her neighbors doors to get a ride to church she was so determined. Members don't even do that! We need to be determined to go to church and determined to see miracles and have faith in the Lord! Do all we can do and don't stop! (: She is so funny. 
We have plenty of people to see but not so many investigators.. our investigators are slacking.. and we are trying to drop some and clean out our pool of investigators.
Thank you all so much for writing me! Thank you for the advice and everything I really do need it just as much as you all do!
Remember that God doesn't count sins, he measures your heart. Also that even when we sin if we are trying to do what is right that we will be further to Christ than we will be to Satan.
Tomorrow we have exchanges with the Missionary Training Sisters.. It will be stressful but I know that I can do it even though I don't know people or the area well yet. It will be okay. Sister Stratford and I are going to start the 40 day fast where you write on a list everything that is poking or taking away from the spirit and then in the morning pray for strength to overcome these things and then work on them all day and then at night pray and tell God how you did and what you need extra help with. This is going to be good because we need help out here on our missions. God is the only person who can help us. We need the spirit with us every second and by having the spirit with us we must act in such a way every second.

Mom, I don't think I need anything else. We are going grocery shopping today. I did call and get my card figured out. Thank you! yeah so maybe just send like more allergy pills so i dont have to buy them.. or if it costs to much to send i can buy them.. i take an allergy pill every morning and night. so yeah haha 

Will you please keep praying for me? I need all the prayers i can get as days are sometimes hard. also tell everyone to send me letters and packages since i haven't gotten anything since i have been out in the field! I would really appreciate letters since i can only email once a week. thanks for your love and support! (:

Love Sister Putnam

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