Friday, September 27, 2013

Sister Putnam's 2nd and Last Letter from the MTC!

     Family! I went to the temple this morning and did an endowment session. It was weird since I wasn't with you or with Brad. But it was still nice and peaceful. It is so nice to get out of the MTC for a change. Sister Hansen and I are called the Sister Training Leaders. We are pretty much the Sister Zone Leaders. We helped the new missionaries. We had a short lesson about companions and why they are so important and then we told them what they can and cant do pretty much and gave them a tour of the MTC.
     Tell Sky I do eat a lot of ice cream just for him. haha. Anyways, I don't have time to add pictures right now.. maybe i will later. Today I get a haircut and get to do my laundry yay! I saw two elders from THE DISTRICT video here at the MTC helping with our In-Field orientation. That was all day yesterday. We learned how to work with the bishop and the ward members and the ward missionaries. We learned how to contact and how to develop faith in order to receive miracles. I am not in the choir so I will not be singing in the General authority meeting tomorrow. Sister Hansen (my companion) will be though. I'm not sure how they picked out sisters to sing but I am not upset at all as it would cause me more stress. 
     So family, some of you already got my other email but mom.. I leave Wednesday morning to the SLC airport and will be calling you at 6 to around 7 AM.  Please answer your phone as i would love to talk and hear from you! We leave for Atlanta Georgia at 7:10 and arrive in Georgia at 12:44 pm. then we leave the Atlanta airport at 2:20 and arrive in Norfolk, Virginia at 3:52 where someone, i'm thinking my mission president, will meet us. 11 of us will be flying together. Please remember to answer your phone though! (:
     An elder in our district didn't wear shower shoes and got a foot fungal infection.. that is gross. so.. shower shoes in the MTC are a good thing! I am now the senior companion which doesn't really even matter haha. We had a BYU devotional Tuesday night and heard from Elder Don. R. Clarke from the 70. Read D&C 84:88, D&C 31: 2-3, D&C 100: 1-2, D&C 18: 15-16, D&C 31:5, D&C 62:3, D&C 24:12 and Matthew 4:19. I liked that he related men/investigators to fish. We need to know where they are and what to feed them. We need to have faith in order to receive miracles and we need to concentrate on the needs and concerns of the person. Always have a goal in sight and then make plans to get to the goal instead of the other way around.
     I have learned so much in the MTC. I love it so much. I have made great friends and a great relationship with the Lord. How can you not know that these things are true!? They must be and they are. I know that the Lord loves us and cares about us. He has made my life a huge miracle and helped me to become a better person. I am excited to leave the MTC but will miss the friendships I've made as well as all the growing and learning. I am ready to go out to Virginia and share the truth and make people happy. My purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel, through faith in Jesus Christ and his Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and ENDURING TO THE END. I Know this is what I am supposed to do. 
     I know all is well at home and I am thankful for the love and support you have all shown and given me. I love you all (: P.S. Mom you worry to much. I am fine and healthy and strong and happy (:   oh by the way, Sister Bagley has been sick with the cold so one morning I got to sleep in because we switched companions. It was the best (:
Love you all so much (: Pictures are soon to come I promise. I know I say that all the time but I promise they will come (: 
One more thing, I did have a tutor come one day and then he never came back! I wanted him to come back though because i wanted to learn more about the doctrine stuff. Oh well I guess he knew that I would be fine (:
Keep studying the scriptures, use the atonement (read Alma 7, atonement covers more than sins) and pray every second you get! (: 
Love you! -Love Sister Putnam (: 

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